Saturday, 8 October 2016

The Brusharm

Featuring the Brusharm! This broom plus prosthetic arm caters to the disabled. The disabled workers would be able to clean with ease. The special function for the brusharm would be the finger like bristles.The bristles can act as fingers to hold things. This acts as a real arm. The brusharm is cheap and durable and the poor would be able to purchase this item.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Force connection/Empathy Exercise (Broom)

Force connection/Empathy Exercise (Broom)

My group chose broom for the exercise. Firstly we listed down the original function of the broom. An example would be for cleaning purposes. We believe that the broom can be improved and have many other functions. The broom could alternatively be a wig, prosthetic arm,imaginary guitar or a weapon of protest. The broom could be used as a pun. The sound of the car's engine when it starts up (broom broom). We see a palm tree in the shape of a broom too.  One thing which I found interesting is the broom being an artist paint brush. This reminded me of the abstract expressionist which did large scale canvases and needed cheap and efficient materials to work with. He used various household items as a substitution with the brushes. It broke convention at that time with how we perceive the broom to be used as.

Picture a day (Fear in Bed)

Picture a day (Fear in Bed)

This picture shows a person reclining underneath his blanket. It shows a person who is pointing towards the darkness. The man is afraid of the dark. The black mounting board supports the idea of darkness surrounding him.The model is spaced far apart to emphasize each segment of the body.Figuratively, this may suggest the current social movement in America called "Black Lives Matter" where the white cops (white model) fear the blacks (black mounting board), resulting in killings.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Picture a day (Man Dancing With a Cane)

This shows a wire sculpture of a man dancing with a cane. It shows the front,side and top view of the sculpture. Man Dancing with a cane was inspired from performances on the streets. Other inspirations were a ring master of a circus, charlie chaplin and Modigliani's 1918 painting of a man with cane. The platform on which the man is dancing on represents his financial stability. It is imagined to be shrinking in size. The man would soon be unable to perform on stage . Furthermore this is a representation of a man "fighting" for his life by performing on stage, to stay in his career and to have an income.

under the surface Empathy Film

-You only understand people if you feel them in yourself.
-People face many difficulties which you may not know.
-Sometimes its unfair to judge them for some of their odd behaviors.
-Seek to understand to change the way you feel and think of others
-This would make you have a better understanding of the world.
-From then on you can change the lives of the mass through Art and Design
-Either through a message or a through an invention to improve people's lives.
-Can come in the form of cheering people, creating awareness in other's thinking or fighting for change in how authorities should operate

Friday, 23 September 2016

Force Connection exercise

Force Connection exercise
(Explanation of picture from Left to Right)

Picture 1 shows a force connection between the words passionate and candle. The candle wax is melting representing its passion. The candle wax is made into a heart shape to enhance the meaning.
The sad cup shows a blue cup with an ugly mourning expression. The expression has been taken from a human mourning.

Picture 2 shows a force connection between greedy and pencil. The pencil is describe to be greedy by the thickness of the lead. The thick lead increases its surface area when it comes into contact with the paper. It would form thick words when used.The 2 words hardworking and clock were quite challenging to work with. I thought about implementing 2 more clocks into the original to show that it is working 3 times harder than a normal minutes clock.The clock can monitor 24 hours 60mins and 60seconds.

Picture 3 shows a force connection between the works brave and plug. It shows a soldier which is commonly associated with the word brave. Thus the connection with a solider and a plug. The creative computer mouse was another challenging one i faced. I thought what could represent creativity. I thought that abstraction would be the best and thus an irregular shape of a computer mouse. However taking into consideration the hand resting on the mouse. It also has an abstract look of a mouse.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Happy Secret to Better Work video

-Positive Psychology
-Not removing the abnormal people from the graph as they maybe even more important than the people in the average curve.
-Understanding the exterior of a person's world is only 10% long term happiness The other 90% is not from the external world but from your brain.
-If we can change our happiness and success we can change the world
-The absence of disease is not health.
- We need to reverse the thinking of happiness and success to achieve health
- Most schools follow this notion of working harder, more successful and then happier
-But it's wrong. Every time the brain has a success, you just shift the goal post of success (e.g better grades, get even better )
-Success and happiness are at the opposite side of the spectrum.
-When your more positive you have more happiness . Productivity and Creativity increases.
-We need to reverse the formula of success and happiness in order to be more productive.
- What you can do to train your brain to be more productive : 3 gratitudes,journaling, exercising, meditation , random acts of kindness.
-Only then can we have ripples of positivity and create a real revolution of the way we think and function.

Force Connections (Nature and Man Made inventions)

Force Connections (Nature and Man Made inventions)

Some force connections I have made would be a multi purpose plug combining with a jellyfish. The jelly fish provides a natural source of electricity, so it becomes the power source. The tentacles of the jellyfish could possibly be the wires that help charge your devices such as a smart phone.

Another force connection would be a bottle and ice. The ice bottle becomes a container for the water. So its basically water over water, but in different states. This should only be used in cold climates so that the ice does not melt.

The third would be using the ink from an octopus to be used in a pen or a marker. It would not be as toxic as other ink.

Another idea would be having a skunk's fart combined with a grenade. As the smell is unbearable, it would be a good distraction tool in either rescue operations or war.

Another example would be a centipede rope. The claws can be used as a grappling hook when climbing mountains.

 The last example would be dried leaves to make paper. This idea would mean other additives like recycled paper also help bind them together.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Photographic treasure hunt of reflection of myself

Photographic treasure hunt of reflection of myself

This picture shows a bollard at a bus stop. This was taken after a rain. Art always goes against the conventional way of thinking. In the past people thought the earth was a flat plane.But by the early renaissance people like aristotle understood that the earth was spherical. No doubt in reality the earth is not flat but figuratively it could possibly be. One example would be the picture shown above. The bollard represent me as a person with an alternative personality as represented by the reflections seen in the water. It may also represent a retrospective.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Picture a day (Ultima Mudfox)

Picture a day (Ultima Mudfox)

I believe that this piece is interesting as it is unknown to most humans. Art exposes us to the new similar to that in the case of science, philosophy and technology. However this is a mixture, combining science and art together to present the new discovery (Mudfox). We may be influenced by the new, taking ideas and inspiration. The element of curiosity appears when one looks at something that is new. The mud fox was a creation of human irresponsibility towards nature. Technology has influenced and corrupted nature. Whatever the artist has shared figuratively is what's happening towards the animals in nature, its just that its not so futuristic. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Picture a day ( Una Lumino Callidus Spiritus) Analogies

Picture a day ( Una Lumino Callidus Spiritus) Analogies
From Singapore Art Museum Odyssey exhibition

I think the artwork was well thought through as we Singaporeans who are city dwellers could be the cause of the flower's existence. (artist states that these species of flowers often attach themselves on surfaces of factory machinery rooms, basements of old buildings and other high human populated areas) The artwork has a futuristic sense of direction. The flowers may be a result of human's decision to live closely together . Ironically they too live together.This has a scientific approach in explaining the artwork. The analogy i would like to point out is that the flowers are like us ,humans. They communicate and live closely together for better survivability.

Picture a day (A Short History of Man and Animal) Analogies

Picture a day (A Short History of Man and Animal)
From the Singapore Art Museum Odyssey exhibition

I view this work as an outcome of the failure of saving the earth from global warming. I believe that the artist creates a double imagery of a whale's skeleton and human rowing a boat.This is a reminder to spare a thought in saving the earth through a guilty conscience approach.The artist provides a visual example to make it more realistic of the outcomes that may occur. An analogy I wish to point out is the whale's skeleton. The whale's skeleton similarity to death is an outcome of Man's irresponsibility in looking after the environment. Another would be the whale's spine looking like a group of men in a boat.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Amy Tan :Where does creativity hide?

-Childhood trauma
-Feeling and experiences, have to become the story
-Questions are part of the creative process.
-Death is a major plays a major part in forming creativity as limitations and questions that cannot be explained.
-Every experience is an inspiration (creativity)
-Creativity is used to explain the ambiguity in the world.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Motivational video (brainstorming wk3)

-Shows a plane which crashed, friend died. Main character survived, however with many injuries
-The speech includes "we" to include people watching the video
-Talks about imagination, helps us to see the future what is about to come.
-To see what you want to be in 10-20years time.
-Dont live in the present Live in the future.
-Second thing is to embrace faith, that one day will be that day you envision.
-Dont quit on the idea because no day will be your day.
-Fail forward.Learn to make mistake.
-But don't quit.
-Learn from each and every mistake.
-Never achieve that goal if you don't use imagination
-Fear is a product of the imagination
-Got to live in that dream.
-I want to see how far i can go
-You must be the first to believe, the world won't be the first to believe it always has been the second.
-Goes back to the man with severe injuries listening to the motivational speech on the television.
-He has to get up and walk(although he has a injured leg) not living in the present but of the future, of where he wants to be

10x2 mindmap (punk rock II)

On an intimate level the punk rockers may have been insecure with themselves.By creating a new identity, they would feel that no one can judge them, because there is less thought about the new trends.The hairstyles aren't the only fashion statement, their dress code resembles that of the young street kids. Always trying to be trendy wearing either the branded or the easily identifiable wears.
This is what we feel as a group

10x 2 routine week 5 (Punk Rock)

Punk Rock 

From this we see teenagers all four of them with spiky hairstyle, similar to that of a porcupine. Some of them have a mohawk haircut.Then we would wonder why on earth do they have that hairstyle? Don't you think its awful?
We have formed some ideas and have came up with the following. They may have wild hairstyle due  to their shouting while singing? It may be a sign of rebellion towards society. A new trend that started out? Something that didn't follow convention. We believe that this is one such example of breaking the rules in that period.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Analogical thinking

Analogical Reasoning
-Allows us to have the same relatable ideas
-Complicated concepts are better understood
-Its a skill, get better through practice
-Boost creativity

Analogies helps us to understand a concept through relations with subjects which we are more familiar with.

How can we explain a nanosecond in terms of analogies. One example shown in the video would be using light that travels at 186miles (299.338km) per second. And he shows a measuring tape representing the distance at which light travels in a nanosecond

Another example would be understanding more complicated words such as elitism. So what is elitism? Elitism is when a person regards himself as an elite. So what is an elite? A person who or by a group of people considering his or themselves as better beings than others.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Brainstorming of ideas using ABC

Sima Guang who later became a famous scholar  who saved a child from drowning in an urn. My group came up with some creative suggestions as compared to the original method. The challenge provided to us is that the urn now is made of metal. The following are some suggestions:
-We could freeze the metal and break the pot
-We could stretch the metal to provide a greater opening for the boy
-We could make the boy angry and turn into the incredible hulk, bursting out of the urn due to his size.
-We could use a chainsaw to cut an opening
-We could provide a floaty and pour lots of water so that the boy could gain height and climb out of the urn.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Picture of the day (Words as Art)

Picture of the day (Words as Art)

Picture shows the name of a restaurant named "DirtyBurger". When a person reads "DirtyBurger", what does the person interpret it as? An unclean burger, an obscene term or a deliciously disgusting portion of ingredients. Well you can interpret it as anything but the person who came out with this restaurant name definitely has a reason behind it.Similar to the title of an artwork, peoples perception of the title may defer from what the artist imagines. I believe that the title(words) is an art and is the "starters" when viewing a painting(appetizer) and later on, the explanation(main course)

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Picture a day (Rubbish as Art)

Picture a day (Rubbish as Art)

Can rubbish be used as Art? I believe that it can be used to create Art. Materials be it wood,wires,paint or rubbish can be used to assemble and create a general shape of a subject. The advantages of using rubbish to make Art would be that it is economical and common to obtain. Often people look at common objects as ordinary objects.However with Art, one can change an ordinary object into unique asset. What are some objects which are common that you can create an artwork out of it?

Monday, 22 August 2016

Picture of the day (playful art)

Picture of the day (playful art)

This picture shows a kids shop with a playful design. The characters of the cartoon can be seen in a 3 dimensional structure. The yellow character has a friendly,welcoming and playful posture as it waves towards the viewer with a smile. It is playful as it has long legs and short hands. Proportion is one characteristic of playfulness.Others examples would be the gestures and the colors. These are all factors which can affect the portrayal of a playful scene. What happens if these factors are not taken into consideration? Will it still be a playful scene?

Friday, 19 August 2016

Picture a day (Playing with Emotions)

Picture a day (Playing with Emotions)

What stimulates an emotion?An experience, an object, a sound? What type of emotions are stimulated when you view this picture? Is it the proportion of the body (big head small body), the eyes of the giraffe or the texture of their furry bodies.How are emotions created? I believe that there are more than these few examples which can stimulate creativity. What are some of the stimulant that you can think of? What if your friend is undergoing depression, what ways would you stimulate his/her positive emotions?

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Picture a day (Colors)

Picture a day (Colors)

This picture shows a map. The map is split into four segments using different colors (blue,yellow,red,green).This is one example of how we can use colors. Color is used to divide to allow our minds to focus closer towards a segment. Colors are used to simplify our brains.It is also used to alert us as we have previously talked about the color red for example. What if the advertising sector did not use colors? Will you enjoy going to watch a movie in black and white ? I believe that color is a crucial part not only in Art but also in Life.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Edward De Bono Lateral Thinking

-Where does creativity come from?
-Most people think its a talent, something your born with
-Everyone can learn the skill (lateral thinking)
-But some are still better than others at it
-Understanding of the brain  forming patterns
-Challenge conception,Concept abstraction,Provocation,Random entry
-Usable learnable skill lateral thinking

Seth Godin:How to make your ideas spread

-Its not about pattern/factory , the fundamentals if your selling a product is to make your ideas spread.
-Mass Media/Advertising don't won't so effectively if you are appealing to the average person (majority)
-Average person don't care about what your selling, will ignore your product.
-You have to sell your ideas to the listeners first, who are interested with what your selling.
-e.g steve jobs when selling apple products.It is the geeks who listen
- The otakus  ( a young person obsessed with computers or any particular aspects of popular culture which affects their social skills) listens and helps to spread your ideas to their friends(average people)
-You need to sell remarkable ideas (new concepts) instead of the conventional concept.
-No matter how good your conventional concept is it will remain as average, common and thus your ideas would be ignored.

Summary of Tony Fadell sharing

First Secret of Design is Noticing

-We are used to everyday objects
-Fruit sticker example, first time we saw it we hated it so much but after many other fruit stickers we got used it.
-Habituation happens so that we can learn new things.
-It prevents exhaustion of brain
-Bad as it stops us from noticing and fixing problems
-Comedians like Jerry Seinfield's career was built upon noticing all the small details that humans do
-Innovators are to fix these problems
-Mary Anderson created the wind shield wiper after noticing a driver clearing the snow manually. Passengers were feeling cold as the driver had to open the door to get out. The passengers did not notice anything wrong with the driver, just doing his job.But she did.
-One has to view the world as it is and not think of it as it is.
-Product designers doing a tougher job as they have to solve the problems that people don't realize.
-People think you are born to notice these things.
-Tony Fadell wasn't like that
-Steve Jobs ask them to focus on small details so that customers can enjoy
-e.g is charged electronic devices(phone)
-Previously after buying a phone you have to charge it ,Now phones are charged and can be accessible instantaneously.
-We have to focus more on invisible problems rather than the obvious ones
-Fight habituation by (looking broader,looking closer,Thinking younger)
-This helps us to create new ideas as we are beginners
-younger people less exposed to problem,thus find new ways to overcome them
-Picasso quote ("Every child is an Artist.The problem is when he or she grows up, is how to remain as an Artist)

Steve Johnson summary

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

-Environments for creativity
-People studied recurring patterns to find that one example would be a coffee house/meetings.
-An idea is a network
-ideas may come from strange places.
-How to create ideas which will have longer shelf life
-By sharing them with others, so that people can build on them
-Connecting vs Protecting ideas, we shouldn't be afraid that people steal ideas
-Sharing of ideas results in more ideas being created.


Picture a day (Simplicity)

Picture a day (Simplicity)

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"- a quote by Leonardo Da Vinci. The wall with a circle in the middle shows simplistic design that decorates the void deck of HDB flats. This is what I meant in the previous blog posts. Is a simplistic design always suitable on walls? I believe that it would be time and cost efficient. The design in the picture shows the fundamental elements of design, the dot.By playing with the size and color, one can come up with a simplistic artwork. Can you think of a simplistic concept if you're painting a mural

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Apple Think Different Commercial

-20th century most influential people being seen as (the crazy ones)
-e.g Muhammad ali, Ghandi,hitchcock,picasso,etc
-They are all from different fields, sports politics,literature and art
-Break the status quo
-Not everyone would agree with them
-However the "crazy ones" are the geniuses as they change the course of human history

In order for a person to be influential, he or she needs to learn the rules first before breaking them and changing the course of human history

Picture a day (Red)

Picture a day (Red) 

The picture shows a no smoking sign. I think the reason why this sign includes the color red is because red is a dominant color. Red immediately grabs the attention of a person. Further examples would include fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken. They both have the color red. It grabs the attention of customers to locate them. Similarly many signs include red.Be it in traffic,prohibition or location red is one of the stronger colors when grabbing a person's attention.Other examples include fire engines,fire hydrant,life buoy,etc. What if these items weren't red? 

Monday, 15 August 2016

Picture of the day (Wall Art)

Picture of the day (Wall Art)

Picture shows a void deck of a flat with white walls. I feel that the white walls of the void deck are not being fully utilized in the context of art. It is similar to an artist who leaves his canvases blank. The white walls makes this place even more empty. Although emptiness has its advantages (e.g quiet,peaceful), what i suggest is that the government could designate some of these white walls to be covered up with artworks.Time frame can be implemented before newer works are done over the previous ones.I believe this would show Singapore's seriousness towards Art.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Picture of the day (Old and New II)

Picture of the day (Old and New II)

This picture shows green flats which is part of Rochor centre. Built in 1977, it is going to be torn down somewhere during this year to make way for the construction of the North-South expressway. Personally, I don't support the idea of removing Rochor centre  firstly because of its exterior beauty. Above the centre are blocks of flats with a simplistic color scheme (red,blue,green,yellow) which I find to be pleasing to view. Interiorly, the social life of the residents that I will miss. What are some of the things you will be missing as time progresses on?

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Picture of the day (Old but New)

Picture of the day (Old but New)

Picture depicts refurbished shophouses near Fu Lu Shou complex. Why does Singapore preserve old building? Why not just remove them to make space for more high rise buildings? Is it because these shophouses look beautiful in the heart of town or is it to create a sense of nostalgia, for the older generation? I believe that it tells a story of the past so that the younger generation would appreciate and see the transformation of Singapore from its early days.It is part of Singapore's history.What if it wasn't preserved? What landmarks do you think its important to preserve?

Picture a day (The Construction Site)

Picture a day (The Construction site)

I see a plot of land,covered by sand and debris. I view the construction site as a rebirth, similar to the renaissance  in the context of art history. Something which was previously there being removed (roman/greek classical culture art) which paved way for something new.(mannerism and baroque art).I also view this construction site as literally a sandbox(similar to a PC game called Garry's mod) where there are endless possibilities of structures you can create. If you were given a land and the necessary tools to construct whatever you want, what would you create?

Monday, 8 August 2016

Picture of the day (Singapore)

Picture of the day (Singapore)

What does a flag mean to a country? Is it a representation of the nation or the culture of  the people.
What is the one thing that you think of when you look at the flag? Personally when I look at the flag it reminds me of the history and art history of Singapore. The two can always be linked together. During the early periods of Singapore's development, the chinese immigrants brought in chinese ink, porcelains  and most importantly the Nanyang style. The Nanyang style was to become one of  the pioneering movements for Singaporean art.

Picture of the day (The Sun)

Picture of the day (the Sun)
What if there is no Sun? If we can live without the Sun scientifically, would we have more negative emotions? Does the Sun really charge a person with energy and happiness ?Given the option, would you want to live without the Sun (taking into consideration that you can still survive). Does the Sun truly provide warmth and comfort for a person? I would think that it provides comfort on the exterior level. Different perspectives of the Sun can turn it into a scary ball of fire or a yellow friendly, welcoming to the start of your day.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Picture a day ( Tree Designs)

Picture a day (Tree Designs)

You can see a stick man holding both arms up. This is technique is called tree shaping. I think that Singapore should include more decorative and interesting floral designs.It can introduce creativity and playfulness in the city landscapes. If we don't do this, I feel that we are wasting an opportunity for creativity. Art can play a role in the eco movement. The design is not limited to the trunk but the leaves of the tree. The shape can be a representational figure. An artist who has used flowers as a sculpture(Puppy) is Jeff Koons.

Picture a day (Chieu Shuey Fook)

Picture a day(Chieu Shuey Fook)

C.S.F is a second generation Singaporean artist. I think of him  as a humble, hard working  and a passionate artist. Then one may question, how would you know? The evidence lies in his artworks. I recently visited his works at the nafa gallery and it has made me come to that conclusion.In his pieces one can see the complexity of the subject matter(time and effort), the advance mediums and techniques he has chosen and done(diligent) and the styles he has adopted. In a 2014 straits times news he is part of the 3 "forgotten art masters" in Singapore.(Humility).

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Picture of the day (Durians)

Picture of the day (durians)
Can a durian describe a person?(hard on the outside soft in the inside?). A durian can be a representation of someone's hairstyle which is spiky, gold bars due to the color and valuation of the durian's flesh or it can be used as a medieval weapon. Another unique characteristic of the durian is its smell. Lets talk about those who do not like the smell.Would females buy it as perfume or lipstick flavoring? How would their counterpart react to it? If you hated durians but were forced to eat it, which would you remove? The smell,flavor or texture?

Monday, 1 August 2016

Picture of the day (cactus)

Picture of the day (cactus)

Why do most people hate cactuses? Is it because of their thorns that may hurt us?Why do cactuses have these undesirable thorns that cause us harm? The textures of the cactus are rough,thorny and unwelcoming to humans.The thorns are actually their leaves.It helps them reduce water loss in  the desert which has high temperatures during the day.Cactuses have water stored in their main stem.If you are ever lost and dehydrated in the desert, look for cactuses for water.So the next time you view a cactus, don't judge a book by its cover as it may save your life (water in the cactus).

Picture of the day (Singapore)

Picture of the day (Singapore)

Singapore,one of the more modernized and globalized country in South East Asia.How did this nation prosper over the last 50 years. The answer lies with the people. They made many sacrifices be it a regular citizen or a high ranking official, they all played a part in building Singapore from nothing into something.What would be the role of Singapore in the next 50 years would really depend on the new/current generation which have benefited from the previous generation.Would the next generation view us as a good or bad example, to follow or not to follow?What's The New Singapore?

Friday, 29 July 2016

Picture of the day (Water Droplets/Ripples)

Picture of the day (Water Droplets/Ripples)

What makes a ripple? An object which falls into the water?Can this represent an impact/outcome on society figuratively? When a water droplet falls into water a ripple is formed. Can this analogy be used to explain the relationship between dots and lines? Many dots come together to form lines? (vice versa)
The picture looks like a person immersing/emerging into or out of the water. The picture is ironic in the sense that it can represent both calmness and chaos.Calmness in sound(dripping water droplets).Chaos due to imagery(flat water plane is disrupted by ripples.

Picture of the day (Hot Air/Dog Balloon?)

Picture of the day (Hot Air Balloon)

I see a hot air balloon with a unique design. The design looks playful and makes viewers from below curious as it passes by. Its playful firstly because it is big. It breaks the thinking of what is a hot air balloon and substitute it with a "hot dog" and bun. The size of the balloon immediately catches your attention due to practical reasons. The design is under surrealism due to the image of a floating hot dog.I could be an advertising tool.I think of the sky as your brain space with a floating hot dog in your mind.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Picture of the day (Ushio Shinohara)

Picture of the day ( Ushio Shinohara)

He is a japanese artist who does art by dipping his boxing glove into paint, punches the canvas to make splatter marks. In art history context he is a neo dadaist. He is different from a normal artist as he does not use a brush but instead boxing gloves to paint on canvas.I think that this breaks the idea of what painting is being thought of as using a brush to make an art piece. A painting can be enhanced by the idea of performing art. Art can also become an exercise and therapeutic as boxing becomes an art form.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Picture of the day ( Queues)

Picture of the day (Queues)

I see a queue at a hawker centre. I think that it is lunch time.By the looks of the queue, I can assume that the stall is a famous one.I wonder whether you can judge a shop by the number of people and say that it is good.What if the shop is not in favor of your opinion? Would the number of people queuing then be unreliable?My take on this would be to try it for yourself as looks can be deceiving.