Saturday, 8 October 2016

The Brusharm

Featuring the Brusharm! This broom plus prosthetic arm caters to the disabled. The disabled workers would be able to clean with ease. The special function for the brusharm would be the finger like bristles.The bristles can act as fingers to hold things. This acts as a real arm. The brusharm is cheap and durable and the poor would be able to purchase this item.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Force connection/Empathy Exercise (Broom)

Force connection/Empathy Exercise (Broom)

My group chose broom for the exercise. Firstly we listed down the original function of the broom. An example would be for cleaning purposes. We believe that the broom can be improved and have many other functions. The broom could alternatively be a wig, prosthetic arm,imaginary guitar or a weapon of protest. The broom could be used as a pun. The sound of the car's engine when it starts up (broom broom). We see a palm tree in the shape of a broom too.  One thing which I found interesting is the broom being an artist paint brush. This reminded me of the abstract expressionist which did large scale canvases and needed cheap and efficient materials to work with. He used various household items as a substitution with the brushes. It broke convention at that time with how we perceive the broom to be used as.

Picture a day (Fear in Bed)

Picture a day (Fear in Bed)

This picture shows a person reclining underneath his blanket. It shows a person who is pointing towards the darkness. The man is afraid of the dark. The black mounting board supports the idea of darkness surrounding him.The model is spaced far apart to emphasize each segment of the body.Figuratively, this may suggest the current social movement in America called "Black Lives Matter" where the white cops (white model) fear the blacks (black mounting board), resulting in killings.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Picture a day (Man Dancing With a Cane)

This shows a wire sculpture of a man dancing with a cane. It shows the front,side and top view of the sculpture. Man Dancing with a cane was inspired from performances on the streets. Other inspirations were a ring master of a circus, charlie chaplin and Modigliani's 1918 painting of a man with cane. The platform on which the man is dancing on represents his financial stability. It is imagined to be shrinking in size. The man would soon be unable to perform on stage . Furthermore this is a representation of a man "fighting" for his life by performing on stage, to stay in his career and to have an income.

under the surface Empathy Film

-You only understand people if you feel them in yourself.
-People face many difficulties which you may not know.
-Sometimes its unfair to judge them for some of their odd behaviors.
-Seek to understand to change the way you feel and think of others
-This would make you have a better understanding of the world.
-From then on you can change the lives of the mass through Art and Design
-Either through a message or a through an invention to improve people's lives.
-Can come in the form of cheering people, creating awareness in other's thinking or fighting for change in how authorities should operate

Friday, 23 September 2016

Force Connection exercise

Force Connection exercise
(Explanation of picture from Left to Right)

Picture 1 shows a force connection between the words passionate and candle. The candle wax is melting representing its passion. The candle wax is made into a heart shape to enhance the meaning.
The sad cup shows a blue cup with an ugly mourning expression. The expression has been taken from a human mourning.

Picture 2 shows a force connection between greedy and pencil. The pencil is describe to be greedy by the thickness of the lead. The thick lead increases its surface area when it comes into contact with the paper. It would form thick words when used.The 2 words hardworking and clock were quite challenging to work with. I thought about implementing 2 more clocks into the original to show that it is working 3 times harder than a normal minutes clock.The clock can monitor 24 hours 60mins and 60seconds.

Picture 3 shows a force connection between the works brave and plug. It shows a soldier which is commonly associated with the word brave. Thus the connection with a solider and a plug. The creative computer mouse was another challenging one i faced. I thought what could represent creativity. I thought that abstraction would be the best and thus an irregular shape of a computer mouse. However taking into consideration the hand resting on the mouse. It also has an abstract look of a mouse.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Happy Secret to Better Work video

-Positive Psychology
-Not removing the abnormal people from the graph as they maybe even more important than the people in the average curve.
-Understanding the exterior of a person's world is only 10% long term happiness The other 90% is not from the external world but from your brain.
-If we can change our happiness and success we can change the world
-The absence of disease is not health.
- We need to reverse the thinking of happiness and success to achieve health
- Most schools follow this notion of working harder, more successful and then happier
-But it's wrong. Every time the brain has a success, you just shift the goal post of success (e.g better grades, get even better )
-Success and happiness are at the opposite side of the spectrum.
-When your more positive you have more happiness . Productivity and Creativity increases.
-We need to reverse the formula of success and happiness in order to be more productive.
- What you can do to train your brain to be more productive : 3 gratitudes,journaling, exercising, meditation , random acts of kindness.
-Only then can we have ripples of positivity and create a real revolution of the way we think and function.